Beauty can most often be seen as having a pretty face, the perfect hair, the best body, and the cutest clothes. However, these are not the things that Christ affiliates our beauty with.
So, what is "real" beauty"?
In 1 Peter 3:3-4 Christ says that our beauty should not come from our outward appearances, but rather that of our inner self "the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." Now this is not saying that we should not look beautiful or feel beautiful on the outside, but merely that our outward beauty should never be greater than the beauty that is most important to God. Sometimes we can let people be the judge of our beauty and allow them to define us in every way. This is not how it should be. Each time we let someone else put a label on us that we are not pretty enough, we allow the negativity that Satan longs for get to us. Girls especially can get in a habit of spending an hour on their make-up, but only 10 minutes on the Word of God when really it should be the opposite. Now, I am not saying that this is every girl out their, but their are people like this including me sometimes. How can you fix this? First off we can start by not setting our "standards" to everyone else's. BE YOUR OWN BEAUTIFUL <<<<< We hear it everyday it's just a matter of actually applying it. When we make a choice to put away all the so-called unperfect things about us and start embracing the person who God created us to be we start seeing the plan that God has destined for us and start living a life full of happiness, joy, and peace; rather than a life full of self-shaming, un-fulfillment, and neglect.
Join the Challenge >>>>> I encourage you to join the challenge of posting a NO MAKE-UP or FILTERED photo of yourself to help show girls that even without all the materialistic items, we can still be just as beautiful. Post your photo and use the tag #BeyondInnerBeauty and tag @mybeyondshop on social media
So here's my #BeyondInnerBeauty Challenge while typing this blog and having my morning coffee!
"A beautiful woman uses her lips for truth, her voice for kindness, her ears for compassion, her hands for charity, and her heart for love. For those who do not like her she uses prayer."
