If you know me, you know that I LOVE to travel and fly a lot! However, sometimes traveling with 200+ people on a airplane or getting stuck at an airport with a 4+ hour layover can be exhausting. So, I have gathered my top 10 travel essentials to help you get through your next flight to wherever your heart takes you!

Coffee is one of my BEST FRIENDS! It's so yummy
and it wakes you up of course! Getting
a hot coffee also serves as an instant hand
warmer for those oh so cold flights that anyone
who has traveled knows about + it helps when
you have to be at the airport at 3 a.m. with no sleep!
What's your favorite coffee? Mines Below>>>>>
Hot Coffee: Venti carmel macchiato w/ non-fat milk or a Venti
Coconut Milk macchiato
Iced Coffee: Venti iced coffee w/ 3 pumps sugar free vanilla
syrup, extra half & half & 2 splendas or a coconut cream
iced coffee w/ cream, no sugar (DD)
2. Window Seat

You either have those people that have to have the aisle seat
or the people who have to have the window seat. I am one of
those window seat people! To be able and look out the window
and see God's creations from a different perspective is one of
the most beautiful things. Sunsets and sunrises from the plane are my favorite, but I also love to look at the clouds and make
shapes like a child again + see mountains, land for miles, and
oceans with no ends. The views of a plane ride are one of the main
reasons to even go on a flight.
3. Before Flight Breakfast

Breakfast is one the best meals of the day.... even more so if it's
from Chick-fil-a. That warm chicken sandwich and crunchy
hash browns is one of the best around. Plus everyone needs
a good wake me up for the full day of travelling that is to come.
4. Binge Worthy TV Show

Everyone has that perfect
Netflix show that they can
watch endless amounts of
times and never get tired of.
Mine is One Tree Hill and if
you have never watched it....
WATCH IT! I've watched it 4
times and love it even more
each time. It makes the long
flights go by like a breeze and
keeps you distracted from the
crying kids in the background;)
5. Portable Charger

Well, if you're going to binge watch your favorite tv show you have
to have a way to keep your phone charged to do so. A portable charger is
easy to carry and move around while keeping your phone charged at the
same time. It is also great for when you get off your flight and all of the
charging stations are taken up. If your a traveler, a portable charger is
definitely in your carry on bag for every trip.
6. Headphones

Flights are not always peaceful. Sometimes you get stuck with
the unhappy child, the person who snores louder than
you've ever heard, and the chatty old lady who loves to
make conversation the entire flight. This is where the
oh-so loved headphones come in. Pull these out and listen
to your favorite playlist and all will be well. It can be instant
relax time the whole flight.
7. On Board Snacks

Oh the snacks! If you're like me, you love to snack on something
every couple of hours especially if I have a binge worthy tv show
to watch with the snacks! Now, yes the airplane snacks are good,
but I typically have one particular item I bring on every plane ride.
That would be Goldfish extra cheddar. There so much better than
regular gold fish to me and typically can hold me over until we can
get some real food at our next stop. What's your favorite on board
8. Blanket

I LOVE to be cuddled up all
the time. Even more so when
airplanes like to keep the
A/C blasting at the coldest
temperature it seems. This is
definitely one of the first items
packed in my carry on bag and
the first item to get pulled out
on the plane. If I ever forgot
my blanket for a flight I
would not get on the plane
without buying one first!
9. Neck Pillow

Waking up from a nap on a flight is great, until you feel that
crick in your neck that never seems to go away. If you ever
wonder why you can buy a neck pillow on every corner
in the airport it's because of this one reason. A neck pillow
can be your life saver for long flights.
10. Sleeping Mask

If you have ever flown, you've had it happen to you. You
finally get comfy and settled down to take a nap and then
BAM the bookworm in front of you decides to cut on the
reading light that always seems to light up the entire plane.
This is where the sleeping mask comes in and makes
the situation bearable. If you're a person who cannot
sleep with light, a face mask will be your best friend.
There you have it. My top 10 travel essentials for any flight to any destination. I would love to hear what some of your favorite travel essentials are!
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