For some people, praying does not always come easy. If you are one these people you most likely always see the prayer warriors and wonder how praying comes so effortlessly to them. It is almost like Picasso with painting; it just comes to him and you always wonder how. If you are one of the people who praying does not always come so effortlessly, take these next tips and apply them to your prayer life to help improve it.
Choose a Place That is Away from Distractions. This place could be your bedroom, outside, a quiet room, etc. Either way, once you remove yourself from the hustle of everyday life and have a place for you to specifically just talk to God, you will find it is much easier to continue your prayer for more than just a couple minutes.
Remove the Other Distractions. Everyone knows what "other distractions" I am referring to. Be willing to put your phone on silent and turn it over and be willing to cut off the television for time with God. Once you make these distractions go away, you will no longer have the urge to check and see who text you when you hear the ding of your phone. IT CAN WAIT.
Pray Out Loud. Personally, I have found that praying out loud has improved my prayer life immensely, because if you are like me, you can easily go off on a bunny trail when trying to pray silently in your head. Praying out loud also naturally makes us improve our sentences and how we speak.
Play Christian Music While Praying. For some, playing music can be a distraction and that is okay, it is not for everyone. However, for some this is what they need. Playing music can improve the mood of the setting and make you feel more in your element. If you have never tried this before, I strongly encourage you to do so.
Do More Than Just Pray. Instead of sitting down and praying your prayer (which is great) why not go the extra step and make it your own Bible study. Read a couple of verses and try to apply them to your life or make your own devotions out of them. Another great option is to grab your favorite devotion book and read passages from it. You can find my favorite devotion books below.
Keep a Prayer Journal. Use this journal to jot down the verses you read for the day and make a devotion out of them or use it to write down prayer request. Keeping a journal is not only for your benefit, but for others. It reminds us to pray for people and it lets us not forget about the prayer request the next day.
Set Aside a Time to Pray. No, there is no specific time to pray. Some people prefer to pray in the morning and other people prefer to pray at night. Now, I am not saying only pray at one time per day, but it is best to at least set aside one specific time to say your prayer, read your Bible, do a couple of devotions, and praise God. I always like to say a prayer when I wake up and say little prayers throughout the day, but I find that setting aside a time at night is best for my schedule and it wines me down before bed. You just have to learn when the best time is for you and make that your time with the Lord.
These prayer tips may not be for everyone, but each tip is worth trying. Any way to get closer to the Lord and to improve your prayer life is always amazing. Keep praying and never quit. God makes miracles happen each day, so never stop believing, because today could be your day. Below you can find some of my favorite devotion books and find out where to get them...

Teen to Teen: 365 Daily Devotions by Teen Girls for Teen Girls
You can get your own copy of this book for $8.99 at Hobby Lobby
Now, if you are not a teen girl I understand that this devotion book is probably not for you, but if you are I highly recommend getting it. It is written by girls of the same age and there is a devotion for each day of the year. Being that they are written by teen girls, they are easy devotions to understand and they are ones that apply to growing up and going through high school. Some of the devotions in this book have shown me tremendous ideas and have truly helped me.

Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
You can get your own copy of this book for $11.99 at Hobby Lobby
This devotion book is wonderful for any person at any age. I was introduced to this devotion book by a past teacher and ever since, I have always loved it. This book will draw you closer to God and help you have a better understanding of His word. There is also a day calendar of Jesus Calling available at Hobby Lobby as well for $10.99 that is perfect for a quick, early morning devotion before the day begins.
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