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Inspiration from Coach Dar

In 2015, I had the honor and privilege to hear from the amazing Coach Dar (Darleen Santore) at the Origami Owl Convention. Her story is one that inspires you as soon as you hear it and constantly keeps you going. She is a life coach, a leader, and a true world-changer. Though it has been 2 years since I heard her speech, she keeps me focused on my goal of helping others and myself daily to go BEYOND. One of her slogans that I most remember is "RTB", which stands for "Raise The Bar". This slogan means to not just do the ordinary or be the ordinary, but to go BEYOND what the status quo is. Never settle for less, never think you cannot do it, and never let anything stop you from reaching your goals. Almost every day Coach Dar will post something on Instagram that can make you get up and go after your dreams. If you need inspiration, want to hear something uplifting, or just want a positive message I highly recommend you follow her on Instagram @thecoachdar or facebook (Darleen Santore) ---

Not only has Coach Dar helped reach my goals with BEYOND, but also within my personal life in general. In July of 2016, Coach Dar did a series on social media about how to become a successful leader. Each time she posted, I would read them and each time they would have an effect on me. The ten tips that she gave were as follows:

Tip 1: Successful people refuse to fit in a box (do not let others or situations define you)

Tip 2: Successful people help others RISE UP

Tip 3: Successful people know that grit leads to greatness (work towards your goal and never give up)

Tip 4: Successful leaders don't engage in drama nor thrive on conflict ( look to help the situation, not make it worse)

Tip 5: Successful leaders lead by example (actions speak louder than words!)

Tip 6: Successful leaders know that mistakes do not define them, but fuel them for growth

Tip 7: Successful leaders care more, serve more, love more and understand change starts with us right here and now

Tip 8: Successful people are all in with everything they do

Tip 9: Successful leaders know their mission

Tip 10: Successful leaders help find hope in dark times, see the best in the middle of a mess, look up when everyone is looking down

Now I am not saying that I have mastered each of these tips by any means, but what I am saying is that I will strive to reach these tips until I do reach them and you should too if you want to be a successful leader!

I have so much thankfulness to Coach Dar for everything that she does and she will always be one of my biggest inspirations. If you have never heard of Coach Dar or maybe you have, but have not looked much into her story I hope that you do. You can find her information below as well as some of my favorite favorite quotes of hers.

Instagram: @thecoachdar

Facebook: Darleen Santore

Twitter: @TheCoachDar

Quotes by Coach Dar:

"If you can't visualize where you want to be today, tomorrow, and beyond then you can't get there... so start seeing it, believing it, and then going after it."

"If you want to succeed in life and love, bring your A game everyday."

"A smile can lead to a conversation, a friendship, a new relationship, a new venture... a smile can be a catalyst for change, smile more."

"The dream is free, the hustle is sold separately."

"Your worth isn't negotiable."

I hope that you have enjoyed this blog post and that you will check out Coach Dar and get the inspiration that has kept me going! Do not forget to go BEYOND in your own life, for others, and for God. Sending Love!




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