With Christmas approaching quickly, what better thing to talk about than…
Giving is one of the most humbling acts of kindness that we can do as humans. It allows us to share blessings that God has provided us with throughout our life and one other thing about giving, is that you do not even have to “give money” for it to be considered giving to others. I have heard someone say “I'm too broke to give to somebody else” and truthfully, that is someone trying to find and excuse for as unaccomplished action.
To give, means to supply somebody with. Sure, money is wonderful to give to those in need, especially in the Christmas season, but what if money is not what some people need? Some people do not need any materialistic items at all, but rather, they might need a helping hand or a person to talk to.
The best example of this for me to give from experience is going to the nursing home with my school. We do not bring these elderly people money or material items, but rather our presence, an ear to listen, and wonderful stories to brighten days. The smiles that we receive back from these people are the most rewarding thing there is.
Another example of giving without giving money, Is to give your time. Around two months ago, I wrote a blog about my passion for the organization 'Operation Christmas Child' and how a dear friend and I participate each year in building shoeboxes. Well, recently I had the opportunity to GIVE my time (along with the rest of beta club at my school) by volunteering at the processing center. IT COST NOTHING, yet it was the most humbling experience.
Along with 'Operation Christmas Child', there are so many other organizations that allow you to give your time to help others that do not cost a dime. It is just a matter of YOU getting up and taking action to complete the deed. Do not be the person that says they will do it, but never get around to actually do it.
Giving not only humbles us, but it also has various other positives affects on us, including:
That It makes us feel happy: it has actually been proven that spending money on someone else, rather than yourself, lifts people's happiness. The same results of happiness were also present when people chose to do 5 acts of kindness per week, with no cost.
It is good for our health: Much research has linked many different forms of generosity to greater health, even in the elderly and suck. Giving is also a stress reliever [calling all mama’s ;) ]
It promotes a bond between other people: when you give to someone else, you feel connected to them. You are likely to keep in touch with that person or organization you gave to, after many years. You gain a sense of trust and positivity with them.
It has the ability to change someone else's life: is that not one of the most humbling things to hear? That YOU have the ability to change someone's life. It is just amazing that God gives us the power to help others for the good and to have a life long effect on them. Use the gifts God has given you!
It is contagious: when we give and others see you give, it triggers something in their mind to give to. Maybe they see the positivity that comes from it or maybe it makes them realize that they too need to go BEYOND, but either way, more giving is going to happen!
These are just a select few of the benefits that can come from giving, but I now encourage you. If you have not already, GO GIVE! It can be the smallest gift or the largest gift, but use your abilities to honor the God who created you with his very hands. Spread his word. go BEYOND. live BEYOND.
Quotes and Bible Verses:
Deuteronomy 15:10
"Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to."
Acts 20:35
"In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive."
“Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference.”
I hope that you all are enjoying your Christmas season so far and continue to do so. Do not forget to go BEYOND in all you do and to GIVE to others!

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Facebook: @mybeyondshop