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Moving Forward in 2018

With the new year finally here, it is time to make changes to MOVE FORWARD. Let's make decisions to achieve success and have personal growth, but with these changes there are things we must give up. We must live BEYOND and make this year one of the best yet! Let 2018 be your year that you look back on and have no regrets and let 2018 be the year that people say you went for it and did it.

However, in order to move forward, you must make the following changes...

1.) STOP running from your problems

Running from your problems does absolutely nothing, but make them worse. They will always show back up unless you decide to face them. This is a perfect example of living temporarily and not eternally. Face your problems head on. It won't be easy, but it is not suppose to be easy. We are made to get upset, to get mad, to fall and get hurt, but we are also made to face our problems and to learn and be a person who becomes stronger because of them.

2.) Do not let past failures define you

Your past is not equal to your future. Do not be ashamed from your past, but rather move forward with better decisions and state of mind. People make mistakes, but you learn from those mistakes and let them better you.

3.) Do not procrastinate on you life goals

MAKE THIS YOUR YEAR! Go accomplish those items on your bucket list that get older by the day. Don't wait for tomorrow, don't wait for the next day. Live each day like it's your last. Living with regrets of not doing something should not be an option. Make the best of the life God has blessed you with.

4.) Stop making excuses instead of decisions

The reason most people fail is because they make an excuse instead of actually doing what they said. Do not be a person who says they will do something then not do it. Those are the people who never accomplish anything, because someone else beats them to the opportunity. If you do happen to fail however, at least you tried, but you get up and you take it on again.

5.) Do not sit empty handed

An empty mind is a place for evil. Don't dwell on situations, do something about the situations. BE A PERSON OF ACTION. Everyday is a new chance to make a new choice to live better... to live BEYOND.

6.) Do not let people's opinions about you define you

It's not what others are thinking about you, it's about what you think of yourself that mattes most. You need to do what is best for you and stop worrying what people will think of you or how it will make them feel. You will never live a life of success if you constantly support everyone needs , but your own.

7.) Have an appreciation for the life you have been blessed with

Each day is a blessing from God, treat it like that. Don't let someone else control your life. Appreciate your life and make it extraordinary. If you learn to live each day as a blessing from God, you will see your opinion for life start to change in front of your eyes.

If you live your life like this starting NOW, I can assure you that you will see changes in your life that you had no idea were possible. This is the time to make changes, but stick to your changes. Pray to God that He will help you keep the changes in your life and that He will help you develop into a better person that is living the life that He has intended for you. Live with {no limits}... #liveBEYOND

Aspire to become a better person in every field in your life from friendships to jobs. The aspiration to constantly become a better person is what will keep you moving forward. It will help you to not look back and to learn to appreciate what you have and to make something of every moment. Do not be afraid to learn from other people this year. Let everything around be for your good and for your benefit.

Bible Verses & Quotes

"Anyone can find the dirt in someone. Be the one that finds the gold." Proverbs 11:27

"Those who move forward with a happy spirit will find that things always work out."

"Life is a gift. Wake up everyday and realize that."

I wish you all blessings in the new year and I thank you all for your support in this past year as BEYOND was launched. I have been blessed with this opporuntity and I hope that I have reached out to you and that I have helped you in your life. Blessings to all.



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