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Reclaiming Your Power

Do you ever feel like other people control your life, more than you actually do?

Do you allow people to control how your day goes, including your emotions?

Do you ever has issues with materialistic things that control your life?

If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, than this is the blog for you! ... And if you didn't answer yes to any of these questions, well... this blog is still for you;)

Certain things can happen in our life that can make us feel belittled. We can feel like we have lost or we've been the "victim". We wonder how we were unlucky. I know one reason why you can feel this way... you gave away YOUR power.

Now, when I say power, I do not directly mean to have superior authority over someone else (i.e. : being the boss of a company), I mean to be in control of YOUR destiny, YOUR thoughts, and YOUR emotions. Sometimes, we can even give away our power without even realizing that we are doing it. Anytime you say something negative about yourself, for example:

"I'm not pretty enough"

"I didn't get the grade I wanted"

"My relationship is failing"

... you are giving away your power, making you powerless. Once we get to this powerless stage, we then can get in a habit of making every situation a powerless one.

If you are still confused on what the actual "power" that I am talking about it, let me break it down for you. Power is the ability to make a desired result. It's our own way to create situations that can lead us to our accomplishments and gains. We can become even more powerful, each time we use power wisely.

Now that you understand exactly what power is, let's teach you how to get yours back.

You must first understand that not all power is the same. Your power won't be exactly the same power as your best friend or spouse. Sure, we all want to be powerful, but you must notice if you begin to give it away. Typically, people start to give away their power, right when they indeed feel powerless. We try to change our lives to better, when we feel we start to fall, but the honest truth, is that we are making ourselves weak. We are opening up doors for people to take control in our life. We allow them to have an impact on our emotions and our behaviors. We must learn to recognize when we give our power away, that way we can quickly reclaim it. Sometimes, when we feel powerless, we begin to make situations, to be powerful. These situations can be ones that include controlling people and their decisions, or drama. Though this might create a brief moment of power for you, it ultimately will lead you to be powerless.

Do not create your own situations to become powerful, God was intended to be the designer of your path, not you. Know that your power will not be the same as anyone else's power... each person and their situation is unique to them.

Secondly, you must be responsible for your own power. As previously said, each person's power is different, so I do not know "how much" power you have. However, let's use an example to make this responsibility thing clear. If you have a high paying job, your responsible for what you do with that money. Will you spend it on something you have had your eye on? Will you save it? Will you spend it on your family and friends? YOU ARE THE DECIDER of what you will do with that money. It is the same thing with your power. You MUST be responsible with it. Will you give it to other people? or will you keep YOUR power, intended for YOU. Some people run from their power, just because they do not want the responsibility. DO NOT RUN. God will not give anything to you that He knows you cannot handle.

You must learn to never give away your power to people, but you must also understand that you can be giving away your power to addictions, bad habits and relationships, money, your health, and much more. When you give your power to addictions, you are letting your addictions control your behavior and your thought processes. You tell yourself that you cannot be satisfied without it, but reality is that God is our provider of happiness and no materialistic thing will ever trump that. If you have a problem giving your power to a toxic relationship or friendship, you will never move past challenges. You will be stuck in the same place, never taking steps to fix it. MOVE, do not be a "statue" in your relationship. Now, everyone knows money is the root of all evils (1 Timothy 6:10) and it can dictate your life, but only if you let it. Your health is the same situation. I have seen people with health issues, say they want to get better, but sit around and dwell on their illness. How do you expect God to heal you, if you portray this image of not even wanting to live the life He intended for you? God IS OUR HEALER! We must not let bad health issues take control over our power and our life, take control, and hand it all to God.

Now, ask yourself, are you giving away your power? Dwell on this, maybe journal about it. Truly think of your answer, because reclaiming your power, can be one of the biggest and greatest steps that you take in your life,

If you have recognized that you give your power away to anyone or anything, I challenge you. I challenge you to take that power back. You cannot live the life God intended for you, if you are constantly letting other people steer your direction. God is our guider, not someone else or something else.

LIVE in control of your own life, Reclaim your power, LIVE BEYOND.

"It all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to, has power over you, if you allow it."

Thank you for reading my blog, do not forget to always go BEYOND in everything you do!



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