It's finally the day that the parents have been thinking about since we graduated. The day that we begin our new journey into college life and the day that we move out (at least for the school year).
Parents: we know this is hard on you. We might not see your tears at time or know what your anxiety might feel like, but we know it's there, and even though it may seem at times that we don't care... we do and some of us might be shedding the same tears on the other side. We are excited for the future and know that it will be one of the best times of our lives, however, we think of our childhood and sometimes wish that just maybe, we could go back to singing in the kitchen and constantly asking "when will dinner be ready?" just for a day.
We may act like we are annoyed when you constantly call our name from the other side of the house, and we just might be, but the truth is, we will miss that voice calling our name as we sit in our dorms doing our work. We will miss the laughs shared as we clean the dishes and complain of how we just don't want to do it.
We question ourselves, wondering "what if I would have just spent that time with them?" We feel guilt at times.
It will be different and it will be an adjustment, but you have to trust in that we will be okay. We might get lonely at times, but we are ready. We are ready to begin our future. We are ready to work towards the dreams we talked about as little kids. It's finally our time to make our life everything we have dreamed of. We will learn to #liveBEYOND limits and to not let anyone or anything stop us. We will set our minds to our dreams and we will achieve them. At times we will fail and we will probably pick up the phone to call you and ask for advice, and when we do, tell us to lift our head, stand up, and keep trying. Tell us to keep trying just as we did when we would fall off our bikes and scuff our knee as children. Giving up will teach us nothing, tell us to persist.
2nd Chronicles 15:7 --- "But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded."
Soon these next 4 years will fly by, just as they did in high school, and you will be sitting at our college graduation, wondering the same thought of how it is already this time. We will be more mature by this time and we will be headed to the professional sides of our careers, seeming almost completely independent. Don't be fooled, though. We will still need you. We will still long for the midnight conversations that would happen unplanned on a weekly basis, but at the same time, we will also long for our own independent family to start sharing laughs with. We will long to build our own home and we will long to build even more memories. We will be ready, just as we are ready for this new chapter. It's our time.
We thank you though, for every minute you have poured into our life thus far, for helping us become who we are today. We thank you for the late and long drives you made to our sports games and for listening to us hours upon hours complain about how we do not want to do our homework or how stupid it was. We thank you for installing values into us and for showing us ways to one day lead our own children. We thank you for helping us become individuals, we thank you for helping us, be us.
We promise to make you proud and we promise to never forget every moment that lead us to where we are. It's time to begin our new journey now and all we really hope to do is to make you proud.
We love you!

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Facebook VIP Group: @mybeyondshopVIP